The Importance of Proofreading Your Resume

The Importance of Proofreading Your Resume | Alpha Consulting

Your resume is typically the first way a hiring manager gets to know you as a candidate. Since that’s the case, ensuring the initial impression is positive is necessary. Fortunately, getting it right isn’t as difficult as it seems. Here’s a closer look at the importance of proofreading your resume and tips to make proofreading […]

4 Types of Skills to Consider Leaving Off Your Resume

4 Types of Skills to Consider Leaving Off Your Resume | Alpha Consulting

When you’re looking for temp consulting jobs, ensuring your resume is on point is essential. Often, candidates believe that creating a high-quality resume means adding every skill they possess. However, there are many capabilities that don’t have a place on your resume. In reality, leaving skills off of your resume is acceptable, particularly if they […]

Not Landing Interviews? See What May Be Keeping You Out of the Running

Not Landing Interviews? See What May Be Keeping You Out of the Running | Alpha Consulting

For many candidates, finding an enticing job opportunity is exciting. However, if you keep applying to open positions and aren’t getting contacted for interviews, maintaining your enthusiasm gets harder. Often, it leads you to wonder what you’re doing wrong and if there’s anything you can do to increase your odds of success. While some of […]