Best Tech Jobs in America

Best Tech Jobs in America

Many people aren’t fully aware of how varied the technology field is, causing them to lump a wide range of roles together. In reality, many IT roles require incredibly different skills and knowledge. As a result, they genuinely stand apart from one another. While nearly any tech position can have a significant amount of potential, […]

5 Resume Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid!

When you’re looking for a new job through an employment agency in NJ or on your own, having a high-quality resume is a must. When your application has mistakes, that’s usually a red flag to employers and could cause your resume to end up tossed in the discard pile. In many cases, common resume missteps […]

Making (Non-Awkward) Eye Contact in Your Interview

A relaxed female job seeker in an interview

Most job seekers understand that eye contact is crucial during an interview. It helps you connect with the hiring manager and makes you seem more confident, both of which are important if you want to secure an offer. The issue is, figuring out how to make eye contact without it getting awkward isn’t always easy. […]